Commercial vehicles are a common sight throughout Memphis—and a frequent cause of collisions with other motorists. When truck drivers fail to signal or check their blind spots before changing lanes, they can crash into smaller passenger cars and cause significant physical injuries.
The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs can help you in the aftermath of a crash. Truck accidents caused by unsafe lane changes in Memphis can have life-altering consequences, but an experienced 18-wheeler collision attorney from our firm can pursue a civil suit on your behalf.
How Lane Change Accidents Happen
Different factors can lead to an unsafe lane change that causes a truck accident in Memphis. Typically, these collisions occur due to some form of driver error. Commercial truck drivers can sometimes make mistakes, and even a moment of carelessness can lead them to cross into another lane and strike a vehicle traveling next to them.
These accidents typically involve collisions with smaller vehicles, such as passenger cars. This is partially due to visibility issues, which can often be a cause of such crashes. When commercial truckers fail to carefully check their blind spots, they may not notice a much smaller car.
Other accidents can occur due to the failure to take severe weather into account. Even if a truck operator is aware of the surrounding traffic, they could leave their lane and collide with another vehicle if they are driving too fast for the conditions.
Not all crashes result from human error; some involve defective trucks or parts. When a commercial vehicle’s braking or steering system is faulty, it can lead to a crash. The injured person can pursue legal action against the manufacturer in that scenario. At our firm, attorneys David and Elissa understand what it takes to hold these companies accountable.
Recovering Compensation After a Wreck
When negligent commercial truck drivers or the companies they work for are responsible for a lane change accident in Memphis, injured individuals have the right to seek compensation.
This compensation falls into two distinct categories: economic and noneconomic. Economic compensation serves one purpose—to return the injured person to the financial position they were in before the accident. This means covering the cost of everything from medical bills to car repairs. When a person is too injured to work, their settlement can also include compensation based on lost wages. Since these are measurable monetary losses, documents such as invoices or employment records can help establish the case value.
Non-economic compensation is not as simple to prove. This type of compensation covers subjective losses that result from a serious injury. It is possible to recover compensation for pain, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional distress. While there is no way to quantify this compensation objectively, the right attorney can prove what the case is worth to an insurance company, judge, or jury.
Talk to a Lawyer in Memphis About Recovering Compensation After an Unsafe Lane Change Truck Accident
If you suffered an injury during a truck accident caused by unsafe lane changes in Memphis, now is the time to seek legal counsel. An experienced attorney can answer your questions, evaluate the strength of your case, and aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve. Call for a free consultation with The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs to learn more about your legal rights and options.